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FM QSMO Marketplace Readiness Assessment

Is your agency ready to use the FM QSMO Marketplace? The FM QSMO team would like to partner with your agency to understand your upcoming financial management needs and find solutions and services from our FM QSMO Marketplace Catalog to accomplish your goals.

Why Take the Assessment?

The FM QSMO Marketplace Readiness Assessment is a self-service tool designed to help you internally evaluate your agency’s readiness for adopting a FM QSMO Marketplace Catalog solution or service. Once completed by your team, you can use the results to start a discussion with the FM QSMO team (sharing the results is optional). Your team may choose to use it for internal benchmarking, and may take the assessment at different points in time to track your readiness.

Assessment Categories

FM QSMO Engagement
Strategic Alignment and Funding
FM Policies & Procedures

Results Breakdown

Marketplace breakdown image


Select the response that best describes your level of agreement with the statement below. "Strongly Disagree" will equate to a score of 1 while "Strongly Agree" will equate to a score of 5. There will be three short modules to assess. At the end of each section, you will receive a subtotal Readiness Score with insights and recommended actions for next steps. At the end of the survey, you will receive a final score that will describe your agency’s readiness for adopting an offering from the FM QSMO Marketplace Catalog.

FM QSMO Engagement

This section will measure the level of familiarity and discourse your agency has with the FM QSMO. A higher level of engagement can benefit your agency and its readiness to adopt a FM QSMO Marketplace solution.

"Our agency has ..."

. . . Awareness of the FM QSMO initiative, the approach to shared services outlined in OMB M-19-16, and OMB Circular A-123 Appendix D, which supports the continued adoption of Marketplace solutions.

. . . An understanding of the types of financial management solutions and services available in the FM QSMO Marketplace Catalog.

. . . Consulted with the FM QSMO to discuss upcoming financial management needs, share financial system modernization plans, or results of initial market research and analysis, such as through a Discovery/Planning Meeting.

. . . Provided documentation (e.g., business case, draft requirements, draft acquisition materials) to the FM QSMO for consultation and review prior to our agency moving forward with a new financial management investment or acquisition.

. . . Participated in FM QSMO interactive workshops or focus groups, or reviewed resources (e.g., Journey Map, Best Practices and Lessons Learned, FM QSMO Marketplace Catalog) that have been shared for agency feedback.

. . . A current relationship with the FM QSMO where the FM QSMO is supporting us in our financial management modernization journey.

FM QSMO Engagement Score: 0 of 30

  • Please answer to receive information on your score
  • Please answer to receive a recommendation

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Last modified 09/22/23