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Financial Reporting

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury), in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), prepares the Financial Report of the United States Government (Financial Report) which is critical for understanding the federal government’s finances and making fiscal decisions. The Financial Report is compiled primarily from individual federal entities' audited financial statements and related information included in the agencies' financial reports. The Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service) supports this process by providing guidance on how to develop the Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports that serve as input to the Financial Report. This includes instructions on how to properly submit information to the Government-wide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System (GTAS).

The Financial Report of the United States Government provides the President, Congress, and the American people with a comprehensive view of the federal government's finances, such as its revenues and costs, assets and liabilities, and other obligations and commitments. The Financial Report also discusses important financial issues and significant conditions that may affect future operations, including the need to achieve fiscal sustainability.

Monthly Reporting

The purpose of monthly reporting is to provide Treasury with the necessary financial data to meet OMB requirements of a timely and accurate Financial Report. This section provides guidance on the GTAS submission process and requirements.

Quarterly Reporting

The purpose of quarterly reporting is to enable Fiscal Service to conduct preliminary analysis on federal entity data to facilitate preparation of the Financial Report. This section provides information on submissions and quarterly certification in GTAS.

Annual Reporting

The purpose of annual reporting is to facilitate Fiscal Service’s compilation of the Financial Report. This section provides guidance for annual financial recording and reporting.

Intra-Governmental Transactions

Intra-Governmental Transactions (IGT) are unique accounting activities to federal entities. These transactions require special recording and reporting to be accurately reflected in the government-wide financial statements. This section details the special requirements for different types of IGTs.

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