Bulletins TFM bulletins provide notice of immediately effective changes to instructions or requirements that are intended to be codified later into a TFM chapter. They are numbered sequentially by the fiscal year of issue. Each bulletin includes an inquiries section that provides the address and telephone number of the office that users should contact for questions about the bulletin. In most cases, bulletins are published with retention dates of no more than one year. 2025-03 (January 2025)Current Value of Funds Rate 2025-02 (December 2024)U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL) -- A Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) Supplement 2025-01 (October 2024)Improving the Federal Payment Experience by Increasing Electronic Payments 2024-05 (October 2024)2024 Year-end Closing 2024-07 (September 2024)Appendix 4 – CFO Representation Form Update 2023-10 (July 2023)Removal of G-Invoicing "In-Flight" Orders (IFO) Mandate 2023-05 (March 2023)Intra-governmental Payment and Collections (IPAC) System Enforcement