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Bulletin No. 2024-05

Expiration Date: August 31, 2025

To: Heads of government departments, entities, and others concerned

Subject: 2024 Year-end Closing

1. Purpose

This Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) Bulletin provides entities with guidance for preparing year-end closing reports and other financial reports. It includes required deadlines for Federal Entities to submit Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 financial data to the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service), for timely certification and reporting (see Attachments 1 and 2).

2. Rescission

This bulletin rescinds TFM Volume I Bulletin No. 2023-09: 2023 Year-end Closing.

3. Submitting Budgetary Year-end Closing Data

For FY 2024, the reporting mechanism for entities to submit year-end closing transaction data is the Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System (GTAS). Entities submit pre-closing Adjusted Trial Balance (ATB) data and one set of data in the form of United States Standard General Ledger (USSGL) account balances in GTAS for the end of FY 2024.

OMB Circular No. A-11 requires data agreement.

GTAS replaces the need to submit separate reports to Treasury and OMB, since the output of GTAS results in the ability to print the SF 133 reports from one set of budgetary data. While eliminating duplicate reporting, GTAS also improves the consistency of data reported government wide.

Entities should carefully review their procedures for identifying and classifying available special and trust fund receipts to prevent these receipts from being classified as appropriation reimbursements. They also must ensure that the budget schedules and Treasury reports are in agreement with these items.

From the GTAS output, users may print the SF 133 Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources & Schedule P Budget Program and Financing Schedule.

4. Accessing GTAS

To obtain system access, users may contact the GTAS Treasury Support Center at 877-440-9476, or at GTAS@stls.frb.org.

5. Fiscal Year 2024 Final Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS)

To guarantee the accuracy of budgetary results in the final MTS, all Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS) reporters must ensure that all Treasury Account Symbols and Business Event Type Codes (TAS/BETC) reporting and reclassifications have been completed in CARS. All reclassifications must be accomplished by using the Classification Transactions and Accountability (CTA) in the Agency Transaction Module (ATM).

In addition, entities that are not CARS reporters must include all previously unreported receipt and expenditure activity on the applicable Statement of Transactions (SOT) and Statement of Accountability (SOA). If an entity has no transactions, it must submit a “zero report.” To ensure consistency with the MTS, as well as receipt and outlay data furnished to OMB, Treasury will allow entities to request adjustments for significant amounts. Entities must submit all reporting by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET), October 3, 2024.

6. Accessing CARS

To enroll or to modify current access in any CARS module which includes the Borrowing from Treasury, Non-Expenditure Transfer (NET), Warrant Journal Voucher, Appropriation Warrants, the CTA module, or the Year-End Transaction Module, contact the Treasury Support Center at 877-440-9476.

Users should access CARS and click on the “Getting Started” link. Note: Users will not be able to enroll or make modifications to their access unless their supervisor is already enrolled.

7. Verifying Agency Location Code (ALC) Information

The Agency Location Code (ALC) information in CARS is the official entity contact data. Maintaining current ALC information is imperative. Entities with eight-digit ALCs must submit requests to add, close, re-open, or make changes to addresses, telephone numbers, or points of contact by email from an official government email address to CashAnalysisSection.FAO@fiscal.treasury.gov. Please submit year-end requests at least a week before year-end close to allow time for processing.

Entities with four-digit ALCs also must submit requests to add, close, re-open, or make changes to addresses, telephone numbers, or points of contact. Entities must send requests by email from an official government email address to both Bruce Phillips (bruce.phillips@fiscal.treasury.gov) and RRB.PRSD.PIRS.DDM@fiscal.treasury.gov. Please submit year-end requests at least a week before year-end close to allow time for processing.

8. Verifying Accounts Monthly

Entities must verify their records each month by comparing them to Treasury-reported transactions shown on their CARS Account Statement (Account Summary, Support Listings, Expenditure Activity, and Transactions) reports. To gain access to the CARS Account Statement, see Section 26. Each entity must reconcile these reports with the entity’s USSGL account 101000, “Fund Balance with Treasury,” and immediately submit questions or differences to the Treasury Support Center at 877-440-9476.

The short reporting periods require entities to minimize errors. Failure to compare entity and Treasury recorded amounts may result in the discovery of errors during budget preparation and Treasury year-end certifications. If OMB, Treasury, or entities find significant errors, Treasury will attempt to contact the entity so the entity can make corrections before publishing the Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays, and Balances of the United States Government and other publications.

9. Verifying Accounts Balances Daily via the CARS Account Statement

The CARS Account Statement Module provides a balance-type option for all available reports, permitting official CARS reporters to see a daily updated view of their Fund Balance with Treasury (FBWT).

The level of detail presented for accounting transactions is provided in the Accounting and Published Balance views within the CARS Account Statement. Accounting transaction and balance information is based on the daily activity files processed by the CARS Central Accounting Front End (CAFÉ) component. These files consist of the daily-submitted collection and payment transactions within the Intra-governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) system, submitted by official CARS reporters with Treasury Account Symbols and Business Event Type Codes (TAS/BETC). Accounting transaction and balance displays are updated daily to give CARS reporters the latest information available regarding their FBWT position. Using the accounting balance display option permits CARS reporters to see the individual transactions that Fiscal Service will package and submit on their behalf at month-end. This affords CARS reporters the opportunity to perform a daily reconciliation of transactions and balances. The download options permit all CARS Account Statement users to customize the amount of information contained in the output files to suit their individual accounting, reconciliation, and reporting needs. For more information, or to become a CARS reporter, visit CARS.

10. Entities with Budget Clearing Accounts and Statements of Difference

Entities must reconcile budget clearing accounts (for example, F3875, F3880, and F3885) and Statements of Difference by the end of each fiscal year. On the September 2024 SOT submission, entities must transfer properly identified amounts contained in budget clearing accounts to the proper accounts. The undistributed and deposit reconciliation criterion for large differences for the current month and prior month for the accounting month are now based on percentages. Treasury may request classification of large differences and reclassification of amounts in the budget clearing accounts in advance or through additional reporting.

Suspense Account Policy

Refer to the TFM Bulletins page to locate the Bulletin, Reporting Suspense Account Activity Using F3875 and F3885 and Using Default Accounts F3500 and F3502 as a Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS) Reporter, for special instructions.

Suspense Account Certification Policy

Annually, each entity's Chief Financial Officer (CFO), or the CFO's designee, must certify the balances of the approved F3875 and F3885 suspense accounts to Fiscal Service at year-end. Fiscal Service sends an email to CFOs or the CFOs’ designees of the entities with suspense accounts to complete an online survey for certification. The due date to submit the certification for the suspense account(s) is November 15, 2024. Entities’ use of the suspense accounts is reviewed on a regular basis.

11. Reporting Collections Credited to Appropriation, Revolving, or Non-revolving Fund Accounts on Statement of Transactions (SOT)

Collections credited to appropriation, revolving, or non-revolving fund accounts are reported on the SOT (Section I, column 2). The following types of current fiscal year transactions are the only exceptions in which collections are to be netted against gross disbursements:

  • Refunds of payments made in the current fiscal year
  • Canceled or returned checks originally issued in the current fiscal year
  • Other corrections of errors made in the current fiscal year

For instructions on preparing SOTs and/or SOAs, contact the Cash Accounting Branch by email from an official government email address to CAB.CARD.FA@fiscal.treasury.gov.

12. Receipts by Department

Treasury’s Receipts by Department listings for FY 2024 fourth quarter will be available to assist entities with budgetary reconciliation. The listings are inclusive of all budgetary receipts and will be available by the following dates:

  • Fourth quarter final Receipts by Department—November 1, 2024, close of business.

Additionally, the Distributed Offsetting Receipts by Department Report is available to assist entities with completing the Statement of Budgetary Resources, line 4200, Distributed Offsetting Receipts. Distributed offsetting receipts include the following categories: proprietary receipts from the public, intra-budgetary receipts deducted by entities, and offsetting governmental receipts.

13. Entities with Investments

Throughout the year, entities with investment authority should anticipate upcoming expenses and redeem investments accordingly. The balance of “Investments in Treasury Securities,” as reported through IPAC and on an entity’s CARS Account Statement, must agree with the par value of investments purchased through Fiscal Service, plus additional federal securities acquired on the open market. For detailed instructions, see Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4300. All investment and redemption requests should be submitted to Fiscal Service by 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024. Any Zero-Coupon Bond transactions should be requested no later than 11:00 a.m. ET on September 30, 2024. Address questions to the Federal Investments and Borrowings Branch:

Telephone: 304-480-5151, option 3
Email: fedinvestor@fiscal.treasury.gov
Website: Federal Investments Program

The unrealized discount, BETC UNRLDISC [formerly subclass (75)], provides more accurate disclosure of entity investment holdings when securities are purchased at a discount. CARS Reporters will use the BETC UNRLDISC for unrealized discount. The balance of the unrealized discount account should be negative. For detailed instructions, see Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4300.

14. Audit of Unclaimed Moneys

Entities must review their balances in uninvested trust, deposit, and revolving fund accounts held for more than one year to determine whether these balances contain moneys held for unknown owners. Entities should transfer balances that are $25 or more to unclaimed moneys, fully documented as refundable, but which cannot be refunded because the individual’s whereabouts are unknown. Other amounts should be transferred to the miscellaneous receipt account 1060. Entities can accomplish transfers to unclaimed moneys or 1060 held for unknown owners to the unclaimed moneys account via the SOT, and entities should maintain subsidiary records to support the transfers. For detailed instructions refer to Volume I, Part 6, Chapter 3000.

15. Liquidating Accounts—Pre-Credit Reform

Entities should transfer any excess balance from liquidating accounts to the General Fund of the Treasury using a Non-Expenditure Transfer within CARS. The “Transfer to General Fund Receipt Account” transfer type with the appropriate sub-transfer type should be used to execute this transaction. General Fund receipt account 2814 is the account designated to receive transfers from liquidating accounts for this purpose. See Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4600, for additional information. Address questions to the Budget and Appropriation Analysis Section (BAAS) at baasgroup@fiscal.treasury.gov.

16. Credit Reform—Interest Paid on Uninvested Funds

At the end of FY 2024, follow the guidelines below when processing Credit Reform Interest Paid on Uninvested Funds transactions and note the cutoff times and dates.

Interest Verification

Credit Reform Accounts-Credit Subsidy Calculator (CSC) output must be submitted to Fiscal Service no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024, via email to borrowings@fiscal.treasury.gov. The total amount of interest earnings on the CSC submissions for an account should equal the amount of interest collected via the IPAC System.

IPAC Interest Collections

Interest collections must be submitted in the IPAC System no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024. Entities should obtain an IPAC Transaction Report within IPAC to confirm the transaction was submitted and processed successfully before the deadline of fiscal year-end processing.

Interest collections must be processed from ALC 20120002 and must include the TAS/BETC for both the sender and receiver. See table below.

TAS/BETC to be Used for Interest Earned Collections from Treasury 
Sender Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)Entity Expenditure Account TAS
Receiver Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)020X1880 000
Sender Business Event Type Code (BETC)BFSINTC
Receiver Business Event Type Code (BETC)TREADIN

In addition, all federal entities must certify that they computed the interest amount per applicable guidance by including a certification statement on the IPAC transaction that states, "I certify that the funds are in accordance with the Federal Reform Credit Act of 1990 and are correct and proper for the fund symbol designated."

Refer to Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4600 for additional information. Address questions to the Federal Investments and Borrowings Branch:

Telephone: 304-480-7488
Email: borrowings@fiscal.treasury.gov
Website: Federal Borrowings Program

17. Borrowing from Treasury/Fiscal Service

Follow the guidelines below when processing either non-credit reform or credit reform transactions at the end of FY 2024 and note the cutoff times and dates. As a reminder, entities must obligate or return all unobligated indefinite borrowing authority by the end of FY 2024 closing. Refer to OMB Circular No. A-11, Section 185.32, for additional information regarding the treatment of unobligated indefinite borrowing authority.

CARS Repayment and Borrowing Transactions (Agency Transaction Module)

Normal Borrowings—All Borrowings other than Borrowings to Pay Interest

Credit Reform Accounts:

  • Normal borrowings must be certified in CARS no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024.
  • Normal borrowings must have a CARS Effective Date of October 1, 2023, and the CARS Transaction Date must be no later than September 30, 2024.

Non-Credit Reform Accounts:

  • Normal borrowings must be certified in CARS no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024.
  • Normal borrowings must have CARS Transaction and Effective Dates that are no later than September 30, 2024.

Borrowings to Pay Interest

Credit Reform Accounts:

  • Borrowings to pay interest must be certified in CARS no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024.
  • Borrowings to pay interest must have CARS Transaction and Effective Dates of September 30, 2024. Because CARS provides users with future dating capabilities, these transactions can be entered before September 30, 2024.

Non-Credit Reform Accounts:

  • Capitalized interest borrowings must be certified in CARS no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024.
  • Capitalized interest borrowings must have CARS Transaction and Effective Dates that are no later than September 30, 2024.

Repayments of Principal

Credit Reform and Non-Credit Reform Accounts:

  • Repayments of principal must be certified in CARS no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024.
  • Repayments of principal must have CARS Transaction and Effective Dates that are no later than September 30, 2024.

IPAC Interest Payment Transactions

Interest Verification

  • Credit Reform Accounts—Credit Subsidy Calculator (CSC) output must be submitted to Fiscal Service no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024, via email to borrowings@fiscal.treasury.gov. The total amount of interest costs on the CSC submissions for an account should equal the amount of interest paid for that account via the IPAC System.
  • Non-Credit Reform Accounts—Entities must submit documents supporting interest calculations to Fiscal Service no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024, via email to borrowings@fiscal.treasury.gov.

IPAC Interest Payments

Credit Reform and Non-Credit Reform Accounts

Interest payments must be submitted in the IPAC System no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on September 30, 2024. Entities should obtain an IPAC Transaction Report within the IPAC System to confirm the transaction was submitted and processed successfully before the deadline of fiscal year-end processing.

Interest payments must be submitted to ALC 20550865 and must include the TAS/BETC for both the sender and receiver. See table below.

TAS/BETC to be Used for Interest Payments on Borrowings from Treasury 
Sender Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)Borrowing Entity Expenditure Account TAS
Receiver Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)

Credit Reform: 020 1499 000

Non-Credit Reform: Treasury-assigned Receipt Account TAS

Sender Business Event Type Code (BETC)

Credit Reform: BFSXPD

Non-credit Reform: DISNGF

Receiver Business Event Type Code (BETC)

Credit Reform: TREACEXP

Non-Credit Reform: COLUVRCT

For additional information regarding borrowings from Treasury, refer to Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4600, Section 4635, or contact the Federal Investments and Borrowings Branch at:

Telephone: 304-480-7488
Email: borrowings@fiscal.treasury.gov
Website: Federal Borrowings Program

18. Reconciliation of Obligations

Before the end of FY 2024 closing, entities that have not reviewed their unliquidated obligations during the year must do so. This ensures that entities properly record transactions meeting the criteria of valid obligations set forth in 31 U.S.C. 1501. Entities must retain work papers and records on verifications to facilitate future audits.

19. Entities with Consolidated Working Fund Accounts

Entities use consolidated working fund accounts to receive, and subsequently disburse, advance payments from other entities or bureaus. They credit advances from more than one appropriation, used to procure goods and services from the performing entity using its own facilities within the same fiscal year, to consolidated working fund accounts. Therefore, an entity must not present an unobligated balance on these accounts. Also, entities should not withdraw or cancel amounts in consolidated working fund accounts.

20. Year End Transaction Module

GTAS and CARS are the systems of record which compile entity financial data for unexpended balances of appropriations and funds. GTAS reporters need access to this application to initiate cancellation and adjustment transactions during year-end reporting. Validations, edits, public law citations, requirements, and references are maintained in GTAS and CARS.

All canceling account surplus balances must be returned to the General Fund. Entities may use the YETM to accomplish this mandate. Transaction and effective dates default to 9/30 in the YETM. The following transactions are accomplished in the Year-End Transaction Module:

Surplus, Year-End Closing Cancellation of Expired Account Balances

For this transaction type the agency selects the TAFS. The transaction and effective dates default to 9/30/2024. The amount is pre-populated. This transaction posts automatically in CARS immediately updating FBWT once the agency certifies.

Surplus, Year-End Closing Cancellation of Special and Non-Revolving Trust Fund Accounts (with Unavailable Receipts)

For this transaction type the agency selects the legal authority, the from and to TAFS as well as the amount. The transaction and effective dates default to 9/30/2024. Once the agency certifies, BAAS will perform a review and post in CARS.

Indefinite, Year End Closing Adjustment

For this transaction type the agency selects the TAFS and the adjustment amount. The transaction and effective dates default to 9/30/2024. Once the agency certifies, BAAS will perform a review and post in CARS.

Fiscal Service requires entities to report increases and decreases for indefinite authority in the YETM. This does not apply to credit reform program accounts for subsidy re-estimates and liquidating accounts. Entities cannot report any increases or decreases to definite authority on the GTAS submission. If the entity is unsure whether the account has definite or indefinite authority, they should contact BAAS at baasgroup@fiscal.treasury.gov.

Unobligated indefinite authority must be returned at the end of the fiscal year. This can be processed in the YETM. If an indefinite authority account is not available in the YETM, please contact the BAAS group. If an agency needs to adjust prior year indefinite budgetary resources

  • in the current year, a warrant memo request must be submitted to BAAS.
  • in the prior year, the entity must work with OMB to create a backdated transaction.

21. Reporting Requirements for Establishing FY 2025 Accounts

Treasury offers a streamlined, efficient method to establish annual and multi‐year accounts that will be needed for financial reporting purposes in the upcoming fiscal year. During the fourth quarter of the fiscal year, the Budget Reports Branch will contact each agency with a list of accounts eligible to be established for the upcoming fiscal year. It is each agency’s responsibility to provide individual confirmation of each account timely.

Accounts will be established during the month of September and the TAS/BETC relationships will be reflected in the Shared Accounting Module (SAM) for purposes such as cash flow preparation. Newly established accounts will be available for transactional usage beginning October 1, 2024. Address questions to the Budget Reports Branch at budget.reporting.branch@fiscal.treasury.gov.

22. Reporting Requirements for Closing FY 2019 Accounts

Per 31 U.S.C. 1552, entities must close appropriation accounts available for obligation during a definite period on September 30th of the fifth fiscal year after the account’s obligation availability ends and cancel any remaining balances (whether obligated or unobligated) in the account. These balances are unavailable for obligation or expenditure for any purpose. For the end of FY 2024, entities must cancel amounts representing undisbursed balances in accounts that expired for obligation purposes at the end of FY 2019. The September 2024 CARS Account Statement must reflect a positive or zero balance for FY 2019 account balances that will be closed. Agencies will have the ability to surplus positive balances when the Year End Transaction Module opens in October.

On the fourth quarter GTAS submission, before an account will be closed, entities must present all unobligated and obligated balances, including receivables and payables, as canceled. Entities must use the Year-end Transaction Module in CARS to cancel the fifth fiscal year after the account’s obligational availability ends. For further accounting guidance, refer to the USSGL Section III, Account Transactions, Transaction Categories, Transaction Code F, Year-end Preclosing and Closing Entries on the USSGL website.

Note: Cancellation removes budget authority and remaining FBWT; however, frequently entities still need to report financial information associated with a canceled Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS). For example, assets purchased by a TAFS are not relieved from financial reporting simply because a TAFS’ budget authority is canceled. Also, entities may have payables for which funding is canceled, but the liability is still valid, and the entity needs to report these payables for financial reporting. Additionally, OMB expects entities to track balances of canceled authority to ensure that future payments of canceled liabilities do not exceed the budget authority for the canceled TAFS.

If an entity must liquidate obligations after an account has been closed, it may use up to one percent of its current appropriation by reporting a Statement of Transactions for the current TAFS using the BETC DISBCA. OMB provides guidance in OMB Circular No. A-11, Section 130.14, on liquidating obligations after an account has been closed. Entities deposit collections received after an account has been closed in miscellaneous receipts account 3200, “Collections of Receivables from Canceled Accounts.”

Entities may charge unliquidated obligations for a closed account to a current appropriation established for the same general purpose, if among other things, cumulative payment(s) from current funds to liquidate canceled obligations do not exceed 1 percent of the current appropriation or cause cumulative outlays to exceed the unexpended balance of the original appropriation. Refer to OMB Circular No. A-11, Section 130.14.

23. Reporting Requirements for Closing FY 2019 Allocation Accounts

Entities with undisbursed funds remaining (whether obligated or unobligated) as of the accounting date of October 1, 2024, in allocation accounts with an ending period of availability of 2019, must transfer the funds back to the parent account from which the delegation of obligation authority and initial transfer was derived. This will allow the parent account to comply with the cancellation procedures set forth in 31 U.S.C. 1552.

Entities should process all transfers using the Non-Expenditure Transfer module within the AAS module of CARS. Address questions to the Budget and Appropriation Analysis Section at baasgroup@fiscal.treasury.gov.

24. Reporting Requirements for FY 2019 and Prior Accounts when Balances are Negative

Accounts that have canceled and have a zero balance automatically close by operation of law. If a negative balance exists, the TAFS balance must be brought to zero. In instances where it has been determined that a negative balance has resulted from a violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA), the entity should refer to their OMB Examiner for additional guidance and then provide the Budget and Appropriation Analysis Section with a copy of the official ADA documentation.

Entities with negative balance accounts must provide information identifying the expected financing of the over disbursement or whether an Anti-Deficiency Act violation exist.

An over disbursement of a fund (cash) balance may be funded by special financing authority or the receipt of outstanding receivables. The entity also must cite the relevant portion of the legislation that allows it to disburse against receivables from the public, or it must disclose that the negative balance is related to erroneous charges from other federal parties and must cite the information from the system used, for example, the Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) System.

25. Closing a Zero Balance No Year TAFS with an Indefinite Period of Availability

Pursuant to 31 USC 1555, entities close no-year (X) accounts under the following conditions:

  • The head of the entity or the President determines the purposes for which the appropriation was made have been carried out,
  • No disbursement has been made against the appropriation for two consecutive fiscal year,
  • Has a zero balance, and
  • Agency must confirm all SGL balances have been cleared.

Entities must submit Form 0000109 to Budget and Appropriation Analysis Section at baasgroup@fiscal.treasury.gov to close a TAFS.

26. Closing a Zero Balance Annual or Multi-Year TAFS with a Definite Period of Availability

Annual or multi-year TAFs will not be closed early unless

  • Specific legislation requires it, or
  • The account was established in error and not used.

BAAS will evaluate on a case-by-case basis. Entities must submit Form 0000109 to Budget and Appropriation Analysis Section at baasgroup@fiscal.treasury.gov to close the TAFS.

27. Reporting Requirements for Extended Authority to Liquidate Obligations

Extended authority to liquidate obligations may be granted through specific legislation that allows the obligated balance for an annual year or multi-year account to remain on the books and to be available for disbursement purposes only for a specified number of years. Entities must send Form 00110 to Budget and Appropriation Analysis Section at baasgroup@fiscal.treasury.gov by October 1, 2024 with the specific legislation for the account to remain on Treasury’s books. Entities must certify the obligated balances with the required attributes in GTAS.

 The unobligated balance for TAFS with extended disbursing authority will not be canceled at the end of the fifth expired year. The unobligated balance remains in the expired phase until the TAFS is closed. Fiscal Service will not restore the canceled balance if the unobligated balance was canceled in a prior fiscal year.

28. Adjustments, Cancellations, Reductions, and Rescissions of TAFS with Annual, Multi-year, or Indefinite (X) Periods of Availability

Refer to the Cancellation Quick Reference Guide: Cancellations, Partial Adjustments, and Specific Permanent Reductions for information on adjusting, canceling, or rescinding TAFS with annual, multi-year, or X-year periods of availability.

When referencing this guide, entities must be aware of the period of availability as well as the type of TAFS in order to correctly determine the accounting mechanism for processing. When referring to the Cancellation Quick Reference Guide, certain scenarios will require entities to initiate transactions using the Year-End Transaction Module which replaces a formal request for a surplus warrant. Entities must first perform cancellation transactions in the Year-End Transaction Module within CARS AAS. This step is also required in order to pass GTAS edits. Failure to comply with this guidance could cause problems at year-end. For assistance, contact a member of the Budget and Appropriation Analysis Section at baasgroup@fiscal.treasury.gov. For assistance with GTAS issues, please contact GTAS.Team@fiscal.treasury.gov or your GTAS point of contact.

Pursuant to 31 USC 1552(a)

Entities should not withdraw money from the following series of accounts:

  • Revolving fund accounts (4000 series)
  • Trust fund accounts (8000 series)
  • Consolidated working fund accounts (3900 series) and
  • Indefinite Period of Availability (no-year, X) accounts

Pursuant to 31 USC 1555

Fiscal Services Budget and Appropriation Analysis Section (BAAS) must issue a warrant to allow an entity to withdraw or cancel funds for Indefinite Period of Availability (no-year, X) accounts. The amount canceled should result in a zero balance after processing pursuant to 31 USC 1555. Submit a written request for a warrant to BAAS at baasgroup@fiscal.treasury.gov. The request should contain the following:

  • The legislative authority for the request
  • Confirmation that the purposes for which the appropriation was made have been carried out.
  • The amount to be withdrawn/cancelled, and
  • Verification that no disbursement has been made against the account for two consecutive years.

After Fiscal Service issues a warrant, the year-end GTAS submission must reflect the withdrawal or cancellation of funds for ‘X’ accounts.

More information is available in the USSGL Guide to Cancellation, Partial Adjustments, and Specific Permanent Reductions (Cancellation Guidance) on the USSGL website.

29. The Sweeping of General Fund Receipt Accounts

Fiscal Service credits general fund receipt accounts with all receipts which are not classified as dedicated collections. Unless an entity has statutory authority to retain the funds for credit to an appropriation, an entity must deposit the receipts into General Fund of the Treasury.

To prepare for FY 2024, the beginning balances of general fund receipt accounts must be brought to zero. Accordingly, on October 1st, all general fund receipt accounts reflecting a balance as of September 30th are automatically “swept” to zero by CARS. In GTAS, entities are required to record the “sweep” as a pre-closing (adjusting) trial balance entry. The “sweep” transaction(s) will appear on the entity’s account statement in CARS.

30. Adjustments to Year-end Data

Budget Reporting Branch will accept requests for adjustments between October 9, 2024, and October 17, 2024, for inclusion in the Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays, and Balances of the United States Government. For detailed instructions, refer to Section 36.

31. GTAS Year-end Window

The GTAS year-end window opens on October 4, 2024, and closes temporarily on October 18, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET, so that OMB can pull budgetary data. The Period 12 Revision Window will open shortly thereafter and will close on November 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET. The Period 12 Extension Window will open on November 6, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. ET, and close on November 14, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. ET. Requests to use the Period 12 Extension Window must be submitted by November 8, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.

One of the primary purposes of the Period 12 Revision Window is to make GTAS data consistent with amounts in the prior-year column of the Budget. With the FR Consolidation project, entities should use this window to correct errors; they should not view this period as extra time to verify data.

Entities must provide revisions for both material and non-material amounts. Entities’ senior management and auditors will determine whether revisions will require a restatement of an entity’s Statement of Budgetary Resources (SBR) or will require footnotes to explain the differences in the SBR and GTAS submissions.

Another important function the Period 12 Revision Window serves is for proprietary reporting and is intended for entities to submit updated bulk file information. Entities must ensure that their ATB data is certified, and applicable manual adjustments are entered and certified. Once all data is certified, entities also need to ensure their GTAS data matches their audited financial statements. Updated ATBs submitted during this time will be primarily for adjustments to proprietary account balances to ensure intra-governmental trading partner designations are accurate and to account for any audit adjustments occurring after the initial window close.

The purpose of the Period 12 Extension Window is to update ONLY proprietary USSGL account balances after the close of the Period 12 Revision Window. Period 12 Extensions must be requested by TAS and are intended for reporting updates to facilitate intra-governmental eliminations. Changes impacting budgetary data cannot be made during the Period 12 Extension Window.

32. Backdated Treasury Document Submittals

All backdated documents for prior-year transactions are to be submitted via OMB’s Backdated Treasury Document Request MAX community page. Agencies should initiate the following steps:

Agency will contact OMB to establish the MAX Exercise record.

  • For CTA’s, Agency will contact the Cash Accounting Branch at CAB.CARD.FA@fiscal.treasury.gov to generate the entry in CARS.
    • Cash Accounting Branch will send the entry back to the agency for review and signature.
    • Agency will upload the signed entry into the MAX Exercise record.
  • For warrant transactions, the agency will contact BAAS. Warrant letters will need to be vetted by the BAAS group prior to submitting in MAX.
  • NET transactions will be input by the agencies and processed by BAAS upon OMB approval.

OMB and Treasury will review and coordinate the final posting in CARS.

33. Agency Submission of the Treasury Report on Receivables and Debt Collection Activities (TROR)

All entities with receivable activity must submit a TROR to Fiscal Service on a quarterly basis to report accounts and loans receivable, including defaulted guaranteed loans due from the public. Separate reports should be submitted for direct loans, defaulted guaranteed loans, and administrative receivables (receivables generated from activities other than direct or defaulted guaranteed loans). The reports for the first three quarters of the fiscal year are due to Fiscal Service by the 30th day of the month following the close of the quarter. To allow additional time for the year-end reports, the 2024 year-end reports are due to Fiscal Service by 5:00 p.m. ET, November 12, 2024.

The TROR is submitted via the Debt Management Information System (DMIS). Contact the DMIS Administrator at 202-874-8933 for information on accessing the system and training. Instructions on preparation of the TROR can be found on the TROR website.

The submitting entity’s CFO or equivalent must verify and certify all fourth quarter (year-end) reports. The verification and certification of the TROR are due to Fiscal Service by 5:00 p.m. ET, December 13, 2024.

Verification of the TROR means that the report has been reconciled to the agency’s audited financial statements or, if not to the audited financial statements, to GTAS. The verification should state that the information presented in Part I, Section A, line 7, Ending Balance, of the TROR was reviewed and reconciled to the receivable balances in the entity’s Form and Content-Audited Financial Statements; that is, the Balance Sheet or GTAS. If the report is not reconciled to the Balance Sheet or GTAS, the verification should state so, with an explanation as to why verification is not possible. Agencies also should disclose the audit opinion of the financial statements or any issues regarding the pertinent accounts.

Certification means that all information reported on the TROR is correct, and that the debts reported are legally enforceable in the amounts reported.

Fiscal Service will issue additional instructions for the combined verification and certification process to entity CFOs before the fourth quarter reporting. For questions regarding the verification and certification of the TROR, contact:

Department of the Treasury
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Agency Relationship & Management Division
3201 Pennsy Drive, Building E
Landover, MD 20785
Telephone: 202-874-6810
Email: DMS.TROR@fiscal.treasury.gov

34. Accounting for Treasury Judgment Fund Transactions

The Interpretation of Federal Financial Accounting Standards, Interpretation No. 2, Accounting for Treasury Judgment Fund Transactions: An Interpretation of SFFAS No. 4 and No. 5, requires entities to recognize liabilities and expenses when unfavorable litigation outcomes are probable, and the entities can estimate the amounts. For payments under non-contract dispute claims, the entity will record an imputed cost and imputed financing source at the time it learns the Judgment Fund will pay the settlement. The entry records both imputed costs and imputed financing sources as federal transactions (“F” for GTAS purposes) and records the Judgment Fund as the trading partner (20). Fiscal Service will record a non-federal expense (“N” for GTAS purposes). Fiscal Service will notify entities via Judgment Fund of claims at the transaction level that have been approved as appropriate for payment from the Judgment Fund. Entities should review the amounts approved for subsequent disbursement from the Judgment Fund monthly and especially at year-end. For information concerning the status of a claim, contact:

Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Judgment Fund Branch
Mail Stop T4-B
P O Box 1328
Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328
Telephone: Toll free 866-277-1046
Email: Judgment.Fund@fiscal.treasury.gov

For information concerning the accounting for the Judgment Fund, contact:

Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Reporting and Analysis Branch 2
PO Box 1328
Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328
Email: TMAS@fiscal.treasury.gov

35. Reconciling with Authoritative Sources

Refer to the PDF version in Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4700, Appendix 6.

36. Schedule for Finalizing Receipts, Outlays, and Financial Reports for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2024

The dates in Attachment 1, unless otherwise indicated, represent the dates reports are due to Treasury. Coordinate reporting to permit entity books to remain open for as long as possible. Attachment 1 also indicates the preferred method for entities to submit these reports. If reporting by paper copy, allow for sufficient handling or mailing time to meet the prescribed deadlines. Entities reporting by paper copy from outside the Washington, DC, metropolitan area must use Priority Mail Express to ensure timely submission. Attachment 2 contains addresses and telephone numbers for indicated offices.

37. Cash Forecasting Requirements

Volume I, Part 6, Chapter 8500 provides the cash forecasting requirements for Federal Program Agencies (FPAs). This chapter includes special instructions for reporting deposits or disbursements of $50 million or more in a single transaction or multiple transactions of a common nature for cash forecasting purposes. Non-Treasury Disbursing Officers (NTDOs) should refer to Volume I, Part 4A, Chapter 4000: Requirements for Non-Treasury Disbursing Officers (NTDOs) for special instructions. Fiscal Service requires advanced notification of two business days for transactions of $50 million up to $500 million and advanced notification of five business days for transactions of $500 million or more. When FPAs do not provide Fiscal Service with advanced notice, they must notify Fiscal Service’s Cash Reporting Branch by telephone as quickly as possible, but no later than 8:00 a.m. ET, on the settlement date of the deposit or disbursement. FPAs should report cash forecasting information to the Cash Reporting Branch using the following telephone number, email address, and/or website:

Telephone: 202-874-9789
Email: cash.reporting@fiscal.treasury.gov

38. Financial Report of the United States Government Requirements

Volume 1, Part 2, Chapter 4700 prescribes how federal entities provide data for the Financial Report of the United States Government (Financial Report) using GTAS along with additional details from the audited entity’s financial statements. This chapter also includes a listing of the federal entities included in the Financial Report, a description of the Intra-governmental Transactions Process, and requirements for submitting pre-closing GTAS Adjusted Trial Balance. Please refer to the Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-136 for the reporting requirements for federal entities’ audited financial statements.

Fiscal Service will provide the interim and year-end Significant Disclosure Templates to the federal entity technical experts to obtain additional information on the Key Focus Areas of the Financial Report. The interim Significant Disclosure Template includes questions related to restatements and changes in accounting principle. Questions related to restatements and immaterial correction of errors are included in the year-end Significant Disclosure Template. See Volume I, Part 2, TFM 2-4700, subsection 4730.10, for complete details. 

Key Focus Areas – Significant Disclosures for FY 2024

  • Commitments
  • Cryptocurrency (Inventory)
  • Federal Employee and Veteran Benefits Payable
  • Land
  • Note 1 and 
  • Leases

Interim and Year-End Submissions

In accordance with OMB Circular No. A-136, Section III.1, significant entities must submit unaudited interim financial statements and notes, financial statements limited to the Balance Sheet, Statement of Net Cost, and Statement of Changes of Net Position to MAX.gov. The social insurance reporting entities must include updates to social insurance with this requirement.

  • In accordance with OMB Circular No. A-136, Section III.1, significant entities must submit a year-end Variance Analysis (Interim Variance Analysis is not required).
  • Significant entity Inspector Generals (IGs) must submit the interim and final Legal Counsel Responses and Management Schedules (using the Management Schedule Template provided by Fiscal Service) to Fiscal Service, Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
  • Significant entity technical experts are required to provide feedback on the Significant Disclosure Templates and may suggest narrative updates from the prior-year Financial Report. See Volume I, Part 2, TFM 2-4700, see subsection 4730.10 and 4730.20, for complete details.
  • Department of Labor reports the draft Social Insurance data for Black Lung and Unemployment Insurance, and Railroad Retirement Board reports the draft Social Insurance data for Railroad Retirement to MAX.gov. See Volume I, Part 2, TFM 2-4700, see subsection 4735.30d, for complete details.
  • Year-end Material Differences Reports (MDRs) are available in GTAS to be explained and certified. The Raw Data File is also available in GTAS.
  • Management Representation Letter (MRL), and the Summary of Uncorrected Misstatements (SUM) in Excel format using the presentation shown in the latest version of the GAO Financial Audit Manual, Volume 1, Section 595C and in TFM 2-4700, Section 4740.20 are due to OMB via MAX.gov and by email to GAO.
  • Federal entity Chief Financial Officers (CFO) submit their Representations for Intra-governmental Activity and Balances to the entity’s IG and Fiscal Service.
  • Significant entity IGs must provide Fiscal Service information relating to subsequent events that occurred from the effective date of their final Legal Counsel Responses through December 19, 2024. Send this information via email to Fiscal Service, DOJ, and GAO.
  • Significant entity CFOs must provide Fiscal Service information about subsequent events that affected their financial statements and any additions or edits to Management Representation Letters that have occurred from the date of the financial statement’s audits through January 6, 2025. Send this information on January 7, 2025 by NOON via email to Fiscal Service, Treasury (Main), OMB, and GAO.

For complete details about this section, please see Volume I, Part 2, TFM 2-4700.

Address question about Volume I, Part 2, TFM 2-4700 to:

Department of the Treasury
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Financial Reporting Division
Email: financial.reports@fiscal.treasury.gov

39. Agency Year-End Reporting on Unexpended Balances of Appropriation Accounts

This section prescribes guidance for reporting year-end unexpended balances of appropriations to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service) through Government-wide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System (GTAS). The Year-end Module, in addition to GTAS, is needed to initiate year- end cancellation and adjustment transactions. This guidance applies to all departments and entities of the executive branch.

GTAS improves consistency in entity trial balance reporting through validations and edits. The validations ensure that the attributes reported in entities' GTAS trial balance submissions are valid for United States Standard General Ledger (USSGL) accounts. The validations encompass both USSGL-level attributes per the USSGL Attribute Table and Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)-level attributes found in the Super Master Account File (SMAF). The edits compare the entity trial balances with USSGL rules and with data from authoritative sources such as the Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS), Federal Investment Data, and Federal Borrowing Data.

GTAS users may find applicable guidance on GTAS closing edits and validations on the GTAS website.

Entities must report accounting data through GTAS using budgetary and certain proprietary USSGL accounts in accordance with the Fiscal Year GTAS Reporting Window Schedule, which is located on the GTAS website. Year-end cancellation activity is reported in accordance with CARS year-end reporting window.

Fiscal Service compiles data from GTAS and CARS to report to the public unexpended balances of appropriations and other obligation authority in the Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays, and Balances of the United States Government. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) uses GTAS data to compile entity budget execution reports and in preparation of the President’s Budget.

GTAS formats the entity-submitted bulk file data to compile the Standard Form (SF) 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources, and other standard external reports in accordance with current reporting guidance from OMB, the Federal Accounting Standards Board (FASAB), and Fiscal Service.

Refer to the USSGL, Sections V and VI, for the USSGL account crosswalks for the SF 133 and other external reports and Reclassified Statements.

Other Authorizations – Unfunded Contract Authority

Entities may have statutory authority allowing them to enter into contracts or to incur other obligations in advance of (prior to) an appropriation (or the realization of revenues) for the payment of obligations. This authority may be current or permanent, with or without fiscal year limitation, and definite or indefinite in amount. Ordinarily, contract authority is used when more than a year is expected to elapse between the time the obligation was placed, and the time expenditures would begin in payment of the obligation. An entity may not make expenditures to liquidate obligations incurred by its contract authority until funds are specifically appropriated or otherwise become available for payment of the obligations. Refer to OMB Circular No. A-11, Sections 20-3 and 20-4, for more detail.

An entity must report contract authority based on applicable legislation and on the entity’s determination of write-offs or other adjustments made during the fiscal year.

The entities should report the following activity:

  • Write-offs—Amounts written off that were either rescinded by law or administratively canceled by the entity. Accounts with indefinite authority write off their unobligated balance, and
  • Adjustments—An increase or decrease to an account resulting from adjusting entries. An example of an adjustment is the liquidation of contract authority by use of revolving fund receipts.

Definite and Indefinite Unfunded Contract Authority

Definite contract authority represents the amount of new authority prescribed by law and effective during the reporting fiscal year. For definite contract authority, the entity reports amounts written off that were rescinded by law or administratively canceled by the entity.

Indefinite contract authority represents the amount of new obligations incurred in the reporting fiscal year covered by contract authority. For indefinite contract authority, the entity reports amounts written off or administratively canceled. Other adjustments to report include liquidation of contract authority by use of revolving fund receipts and write-off/reduction of obligated balances.

Contract authority (whether definite or indefinite) represents write-offs or adjustments.

Other Authorizations – Definite and Indefinite Borrowing Authority

For definite borrowing authority, these amounts represent the balance of unused borrowing authority provided by law at the beginning of the fiscal year. Definite borrowing authority represents the amounts provided in new legislation that increased or rescinded the borrowing authority previously set by law. The amounts equal either new budget authority or a reduction in budget authority.

Definite borrowing authority represents the amounts of any borrowings made during the fiscal year that will reduce the legislative limit.

For indefinite borrowing authority, these amounts are equal to the unpaid obligations covered by borrowing authority at the beginning of the fiscal year. Indefinite borrowing authority represents the amount of additional borrowing authority equal to obligations recorded during the fiscal year against borrowing authority. Entities should report this as a gross amount. The amounts represent an increase to an entity’s borrowing authority.

Indefinite borrowing authority represents the amount of actual borrowings (gross) the entity made during the fiscal year to liquidate those obligations. These borrowings decrease an entity’s borrowing authority. Indefinite borrowing authority represents reductions of borrowing authority when fund resources other than borrowings were used or are available to liquidate or cover unpaid obligations reported.

Indefinite borrowing authority represents the balance of borrowing authority, which is the amount equal to those unpaid obligations covered by borrowing authority at the close of the fiscal year.

Reimbursements Earned but Not Collected

Reimbursements earned include current accounts and notes receivables (not included in loans receivables) arising from the sale of goods and services during the period (whether or not billed) resulting from transactions with other government entities that recorded valid obligations. Examples include interest earned, accrued rent, and certain anticipated collections under special authority of law. Deferred charges and long-term receivables, such as loans receivables, receivables from credit sales, and receivables from the public, are not considered reimbursements earned.

Except under special authority, entities must receive payment before performing reimbursable services for the public. Therefore, receivables from the public are never considered as a source of financing for reimbursable disbursements, since the public must pay for reimbursable work “up front.”

Unfilled Customer Orders

An unfilled customer order exists with other government accounts when an entity has not received an advance, since a valid obligation exists with the ordering account. If an entity accepts an order without an advance, which can only be the case with other government accounts, the entity reports the transaction as “accounts receivable – unfilled customer order”. However, the entity must not disburse fund balances into a negative position based on this receivable.

Unfilled customer orders do not exist for orders placed by the public, since entities must receive advances with the orders for goods or services from the public. If an entity does receive an advance with the order for goods or services (as with the public), it reports the transaction through GTAS in the pre-closing unexpended balance via monthly transaction reporting.

Undelivered Orders and Contracts

Unpaid obligations must represent valid obligations supported by documentary evidence to conform to 31 U.S.C. 1501(a). The amount of unpaid obligations represents the amount of orders for goods and services remaining unfilled at fiscal year-end for which the liability has not yet accrued (for definitions, see TFM Glossary.

If by the last business day of the fiscal year, the ordering or customer entity has not received goods or services for which it has placed an order, the entity must report future payment of funds as a valid obligation in GTAS.

Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities

Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities are liabilities for goods and services received and other liabilities incurred, not involving the furnishing of goods and services, as of the end of the fiscal year (for definitions, see TFM Glossary). Entities must exclude advances received with orders for goods and services.

Unobligated Balance

Unobligated balances of no-year (X) and multi-year accounts for which authority to obligate has not expired are available for obligation. Unobligated funds of an expired fiscal year account are not available for new obligations but may be used for payments of adjusted obligations.

Cashier Fund Balances

For cashier fund balances, entities may record withdrawals and cancellations only on the main account symbol. Entities must close out cashier fund balances from one fiscal year account and must re-establish these balances in a new fiscal year account as a monthly transaction.

Unamortized Premiums and Discounts

Unamortized premium and discount reporting is limited to entities that issue securities under special financing authority or that are required by OMB to report amortization as a budgetary resource. The premium or discount is amortized over the life of the securities, and the amortization is reported on the entity’s monthly statement of transactions.

Investments in Treasury Securities or Entity Securities and Unrealized Discount

For further information on investments in Treasury securities or entity securities and unrealized discount, see TFM Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4300.

Reporting Requirements and Reporting Responsibilities

GTAS reports pre-closing unexpended balances of appropriation and fund accounts and balances of unfunded contract authority, borrowing authority, investments held (at par), unrealized discount, unamortized premium and discount, and funds held outside of the Treasury. Transactions to support the unexpended balance are provided to entities through CARS Account Statement Application. The annual Year-end Closing on the TFM Volume I Bulletin page includes a schedule of reporting due dates.

Entities must transmit electronically, through GTAS, pre-closing Adjusted Trial- Balances (ATBs) at the Treasury appropriation/fund symbol-level using budgetary and certain proprietary USSGL accounts.

Entities should not round balances but should report the balances in complete amounts, including cents. Either the parent or the receiving entity, but not both, may report transfer appropriation accounts under the control of a receiving entity through GTAS. Entities determine whether the parent or receiving entity should submit a report. If the parent entity certifies the transfer appropriation accounts, then the spending entity must report the status of transfer appropriation accounts to the parent entity in time to be included in the parent entity’s GTAS submission. Transfer appropriation account funds should be returned to the parent/advancing account for disposition before year- end for accounts that must close.

Verification and Adjustment of Reports by Entities

Treasury provides pre-closing unexpended balances through GTAS. The GTAS team requests that entities log on to GTAS and verify their TAFS accounts. Entities should contact gtas.team@fiscal.treasury.gov for assistance if they:

  • have not received all of their accounts,
  • have received accounts not belonging to them,
  • have balance discrepancies, or
  • have reporting errors.

The pre-closing unexpended balances provided through GTAS agree with the ending balances shown on the CARS/GWA Account Statement for September. The pre-closing balances cannot be changed in GTAS. Entities should verify reported data immediately to assure that appropriations of fund symbols and pre-closing unexpended balances presented in GTAS agree. If an entity discovers discrepancies when reviewing year-end balances in GTAS, it should contact the Budget Reporting Branch (BRB) at budget.reports@fiscal.treasury.gov to request adjustments.

BRB instructs entities to submit electronic copies of adjustments affecting the following reports:

  • Statement of Transactions (CTA) (Classified According to Appropriation, Fund and Receipt Account; and Related Control Totals),
  • SF 1219/1220: Statement of Accountability and Transactions, or
  • SF 1218/1221: Statement of Accountability and Transactions (Foreign Service Account).

BRB instructs entities to submit their adjusted transactions through the CARS ATM.

Entities should retain copies of all adjusted transactions reported for Statement of Transactions (CTA), SF 1219/1220, and SF 1218/1221.

BRB reserves the right to review and determine if it will accept adjustments based on established criteria. If BRB accepts and approves the proposed adjustment, the adjustment is subsequently released to CARS, which then updates pre-closing balances immediately. BRB accepts requests for adjustments for inclusion in the publication of the Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays, and Balances of the United States Government. For specific times, see the Year-end Closing Bulletin located on the TFM Volume I Bulletin page. Once the adjustments have been processed, BRB notifies entities that they may proceed to complete and submit their GTAS data. In early December, entities can access their final September data through the CARS Account Statement Application.

Note: After TAFS data are complete and pass all edits, change the status of each TAFS to pending for certification.

Instructions for Reporting Year-end Closing Data in GTAS

For specific guidance on reporting in GTAS, see the GTAS website.

For crosswalks to standard external reports (SF 133), refer to the USSGL, Section V. It provides the most recent list of USSGL attributes used on the budgetary reports.

40. Effective Date

This bulletin is effective immediately.

41. Inquiries

Direct questions concerning this Bulletin or requests for account balance confirmations to:

Budget Reporting Branch
Central Accounting and Reporting Division
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Parkersburg Warehouse and Operations Center Dock 1
257 Bosley Industrial Park Drive
Parkersburg, WV 26101
Fax: 304-480-5176
Email: budget.reports@fiscal.treasury.gov

Attachment 1

ItemsSubmission and Availability Instructions Deadlines
Fiscal Service will upload the Financial Report’s Interim Significant Disclosure Template on the GTAS website Template can be found at fiscal.treasury.gov/gtas.May 31, 2024
Significant entities submission of the Interim Financial Statements and notesUpload to MAX.govAug. 15, 2024
Significant entity IGs must submit the Interim Legal Counsel Response and Management ScheduleSubmit via email to: financial.reports@fiscal.treasury.gov, GAO (USCFS@gao.gov), and DOJ (Legal.letters@usdoj.gov)Aug. 20, 2024
Fiscal Service will upload the Financial Report's year-end Significant Disclosure Template on the GTAS websiteTemplate can be found at fiscal.treasury.gov/gtasAug. 30, 2024
Significant entities submission of the Financial Report’s Interim Significant Disclosure TemplateUpload to MAX.govSep. 3, 2024
Sept. 2024 new account symbol requestsEmail BAASGroup@fiscal.treasury.gov Oct. 1, 2024
Sept. 2024 appropriation requestsEmail BAASGroup@fiscal.treasury.govOct. 1, 2024
Sept. 2024 CARS NET AuthorizationsTransmit via the CARS NET application to the Budget and Appropriation Analysis SectionOct. 1, 2024
Year-End Transaction Module window opensAccess via CARS/AAS8 a.m. ET, Oct. 2, 2024
Sept. 2024 Statement of TransactionsTransmit via CARS CTA application to the Cash Accounting BranchOct. 3, 2024
Sept. 2024 Statement of Transactions and AccountabilityTransmit via CARS CTA application to the Cash Accounting BranchOct. 3, 2024
GTAS reporting window opensAccess via GTAS8 a.m. ET, Oct. 4, 2024
Final Sept. 2024 CARS Account Statement AvailableAccess via CARSOct. 14, 2024
Year-end Transaction Module window closesAccess via CARS/AAS12:00 p.m. ET, Oct. 16, 2024
GTAS reporting window closesAccess via GTAS5:00 p.m. ET, Oct. 18, 2024
GTAS revision window opensAccess via GTAS8:00 p.m. ET, Oct. 18, 2024
Financial Report’s Draft Social Insurance data for Black Lung, Unemployment Insurance, and Railroad RetirementUpload to MAX.govOct. 24, 2024
DOJ will provide the Interim Legal Counsel ResponseVia email from DOJNov. 4, 2024
GTAS revision window closesAccess via GTAS5:00 p.m.ET, Nov. 6, 2024
GTAS extension window opensAccess via GTAS8:00 p.m. ET, Nov. 6, 2024
Treasury Report on Receivables and Debt Collection ActivitiesTransmit via internet

Nov. 12,


GTAS extension window closesAccess via GTAS2:00 p.m. ET, Nov. 14, 2024
CFO Certification of Suspense AccountsOnline Survey Nov. 15, 2024
Significant entity IGs must submit Management Representation Letter and the Summary of Uncorrected MisstatementsUpload to MAX.gov and email to GAO (USCFS@gao.gov)Nov. 15, 2024, by 6 p.m. ET
Financial Report’s Variance Analysis (significant entities)Upload to MAX.gov and email to GAO (USCFS@gao.gov)Nov. 15, 2024
Significant entity IGs must submit the final Legal Counsel Response and Management Schedule

Submit via email to: financial.reports@fiscal.treasury.gov, GAO (USCFS@gao.gov), and DOJ (Legal.letters@usdoj.gov)


Nov. 15, 2024, by 6 p.m. ET
Annual Report on Unfunded Foreign Currency Reservation Accounts (Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3200) for Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2024Submit via email to fcreports@fiscal.treasury.govNov. 15, 2024
Report of Estimated Foreign Currency Collections and Expenditures (Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3200) for Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2024

Submit via email to fcreports@fiscal.treasury.gov


Nov. 15, 2024


Currencies Purchased from Sources Outside the U.S. Government Cumulative (Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 3200) for Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2024Submit via email to fcreports@fiscal.treaury.govNov. 15, 2024
Final audited financial statements are due to MAX.gov and by email to GAO. Please contact Fiscal Service if there are any adjustments after November 15, 2024.Email to USCFS@gao.gov and upload to MAX.govNovember 15, 2024, by 6 p.m. ET
Financial Report’s year-end Significant Disclosure Templates (significant entities)Upload to MAX.govNov. 15, 2024
Year-end Material Differences Reports (MDRs).Access via GTASNov. 18, 2024
CFO Representation for Intra-governmental Activity and Balances. Form found on Fiscal Service website. Submit via e-mail to USCFS@gao.gov and GovernmentwideIGT@fiscal.treasury.gov

Nov. 29, 2024


All year-end MDRs must be certified in GTAS by 5 p.m. ETAccess and certify via GTASDec. 2, 2024
Federal entity’s Financial Report review periodAccess via MAX.govDec. 4-6, 2024
Significant entity IGs must provide Fiscal Service information relating to subsequent events that occurred from the effective date of their final Legal Counsel Response through December 19, 2024.Submit via email to: financial.reports@fiscal.treasury.gov, GAO (USCFS@gao.gov), and DOJ (Legal.letters@usdoj.gov)Dec. 20, 2024 (Effective thru Dec. 19, 2024)
DOJ will provide the final Legal Counsel ResponseVia email from DOJDec. 24, 2024 (Effective thru Dec. 20, 2024)
Significant entity CFOs must provide Fiscal Service any subsequent events that affected their financial statements and any additions or edits to Management Representation Letters.Submit via email to Fiscal Service at financial.reports@fiscal.treasury.gov, Treasury, OMB, and GAO.Jan. 7, 2025, BY NOON (Effective thru Jan. 6, 2025)
Financial Report of the U.S. Government is publishedVia Fiscal Services websiteJan. 16, 2025

Treasury will strictly enforce the above dates to permit timely closing of the books and publication of Budget results.

Note: For “no later than” deadlines, entities should submit data as early as possible.

Attachment 2

Treasury Addresses for Paper Copy Year-end Financial Reports

Entities reporting by paper copy from outside the Washington, DC, metropolitan area are required to use Priority Mail Express. Priority Mail Express is a U.S. Postal Service feature offering guaranteed overnight delivery. Specify the “Post Office to Addressee” option.

Send the Annual Report on Unfunded Foreign Currency Reservation Accounts and the Report of Estimated Foreign Currency Collections and Expenditures to:

Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Funds Management Branch
Parkersburg Warehouse and Operations Center Dock 1
257 Bosley Industrial Park Drive
Parkersburg, WV 26101
Telephone: 304-480-5150
Email: fcreports@fiscal.treasury.gov