To: Heads of Government Departments, Agencies, and Others ConcernedSubject: U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL) — A Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) Supplement1. Purpose - This bulletin revises the USSGL and replaces all previous amendments.2. RescissionBulletin No. 2025-02 rescinds the following publications:Bulletin No. 2024-01 (December 2023)Bulletin No. 2024-03 (March 2024)Bulletin No. 2024-04 (June 2024)Bulletin No. 2024-06 (September 2024)3. Explanation of UpdatesBulletin No. 2025-02 USSGL includes two parts:Part 1 FY 2025, replaces USSGL Part 1 FY 2024 reporting.Part 2 FY 2026, replaces USSGL Part 2 FY 2025 reporting.4. Overall Changes to the USSGLPart 1 FY 2025—RevisedPart 2 FY 2026—RevisedSummary of Changes—The Summary of Changes identifies specific changes made to the USSGL.5. Changes by Part/SectionPart 1—FY 2025 Reporting includes Sections I through VII:Section I: Chart of AccountsSection II: Accounts and DefinitionsSection III: Account TransactionsTransaction CategoriesTransaction ListingTransactionsT-AccountsSection IV: Account Attributes for USSGL Proprietary Account and Budgetary Account ReportingUSSGL Account Attribute Definition ReportUSSGL Account Attribute TableSection V: Crosswalks to Standard External Reports for FY 2025 GTAS ReportingOMB Form and Content:Balance SheetStatement of Net CostStatement of Changes in Net PositionStatement of Custodial ActivityStatement of Budgetary ResourcesSF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources & Schedule P Budget Program and Financing ScheduleSection VI: Crosswalks to Reclassified Statements for FY 2025 ReportingReclassified Statement of Net CostReclassified Statement of Operations and Changes in Net PositionSection VII: GTAS Validations and Edits for FY 2025 Reporting.Validations DetailValidations SummaryEdits DetailEdits SummaryClosing Edit DetailsPart 2 - FY 2026 Reporting includes Sections I through VII:Section I: Chart of AccountsSection II: Accounts and DefinitionsSection III: Account TransactionsTransaction CategoriesTransaction ListingTransactionsT-AccountsSection IV: Account Attributes for USSGL Proprietary Account and Budgetary Account ReportingUSSGL Account Attribute Definition ReportUSSGL Account Attribute TableSection V: Crosswalks to Standard External Reports for FY 2026 GTAS ReportingOMB Form and Content:Balance SheetStatement of Net CostStatement of Changes in Net PositionStatement of Custodial ActivityStatement of Budgetary ResourcesSF 133: Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources & Schedule P Budget Program and Financing ScheduleSection VI: Crosswalks to Reclassified Statements for FY 2026 ReportingReclassified Statement of Net CostReclassified Statement of Operations and Changes in Net PositionSection VII: GTAS Validations and Edits for FY 2026 ReportingValidations DetailValidations SummaryEdits DetailEdits SummaryClosing Edit Detail6. Effective DatePart 1 requirements for FY 2025 are effective immediately.Part 2 requirements for FY 2026 are effective October 1, 2025.7. ReferencesTFM Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4700, "Federal Entity Reporting Requirements for the Financial Report of the United States Government," dated November 2024.OMB Circular No. A-11, "Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget," dated July 2024.OMB Circular No. A-136 Revised, "Financial Reporting Requirements" (Form and Content), dated May 2024.8. InquiriesDirect questions concerning this bulletin to your agency's USSGL Board representative or: Andrew MorrisDirector, General Ledger and Intragovernmental Transaction Division Fiscal Accounting Bureau of the Fiscal Service PO Box 1328 Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328 Email: USSGLTeam@fiscal.treasury.govDate: December 12, 2024